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  • It will take you weeks, or even months, to get really good at this game. If you want to reduce this time, you should use cheats. This can make you faster and bigger instantly. You will be able to easily catch smaller cells and to get away from bigger ones.

  • When a bigger cell is chasing you, try not to run in a straight line, especially if it is more than 150% bigger than you. Because in that case it can use the Space key to eject half its cell and catch you. On changing your direction frequently, you increase the chances of you surviving the attack. In case you think it is impossible to escape, you can split too. This will make you a smaller target and also even if one of your cells gets caught, you will still be able to continue the game.

  • Initially, when you are a very small cell, you should try to hang around a virus and collect as much pallets as you can. The big cells that are hunting for cells like yours will not come near a virus. But the cells smaller than the virus and more than 25% larger than you are still a threat. In that case you should run. And once you have become as big as the viruses, start to stay away from them.

  • It is not always a virus that saves you from a bigger cell. Sometimes the biggest cells of the game can also do the job. If you go just a little close to one of these biggest cells, the one chasing you will back off. You are small and fast, so you can easily get away from the giants, but the bigger ones are slower. That’s why they are a little afraid.

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